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Windmill Mine

Dundrennan, Barlocco, Airyhill, Kirkcudbrightshire.

NGR:NX 78900 47100
WGS84:54.80410, -3.88553
Length:Not recorded
Vert. Range:Not recorded
Altitude:Not recorded
Tags:Mine, ManMade


Possible association with Barlocco Barytes Mine.

Possible association with Thirl's Well (spring or adit).

The mill [ore crusher at Auchencairn Mine] was repurposed and continued in use into the 1960s dressing the barytes from the more successful Windmill mine along the coast to the west. [Coastwise, 2019]

Alternate Names: None recorded.

Notes: So far I have been unable to trace the source of references to Windmill Mine.

Coastwise perhaps mistakenly conflates Windmill Mine with Barlocco Barytyes Mine.

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This entry was last updated: 2022-02-26 15:48:10

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Web Registry software by Matt Voysey.