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Aonan an Eorna [2]  Aonan an Eorna [4]  Aonan an Eorna [3]  Aonan an Eorna [9]  Aonan an Eorna [5]  Aonan an Eorna [6]  Steallaire Mor  Aonan an Eorna [8]  Domhnaill Chruinn (Uamh)  Aonan an Eorna [7]  Port Domhnaill Cruinn [4]  Allt na Caillich [1] [Islay]  Allt na Caillich Natural Arch (S) [Islay]  Allt na Caillich Natural Arch (N) [Islay]  Port Domhnaill Cruinn [2]  Port Domhnaill Cruinn [3] 

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Aonan an Eorna [1]

Islay, Aonan an Eorna, Argyllshire.

NGR:NR 37080 76900
WGS84:55.91313, -6.20906
Length:Not recorded
Vert. Range:Not recorded
Altitude:Not recorded
Geology:Jura Quartzite Formation - Quartzite
Tags:Cave, SeaCave, Archaeo

Cave, archaeological test pitted, contains deposits and constructions. Same coordinates given for cave Port Domhnaill Cruinn [2].

Alternate Names: Port Domhnaill Cruinn [1]

Notes: Although named by The Islay Cave Project as Port Domhnaill Cruinn [1] this is actually in Aonan an Eorna (about 200 m NE of Port Domhnaill Cruinn). It is unlikely Port Domhnaill Cruinn [1] and [2] are as close as indicated by their given coordinates (need to check original survey data). Aonan an Eorna is a wide bay to the NE of Port Domhnaill Cruinn separated from it by a rocky knoll.

Eorna certainly translates as Barley. There are many references to this, so some evidence of cultivation is expected. Aonan is more difficult. The most common literal translation is 'one' which makes no sense in this context. 'One's Barley' is possible but not helpful.

I have tried to disambiguate the references to caves [1] and [2] here, but there is no guarantee that the cave at these coordinates is the particular cave referred to by the Islay Cave Project (although their original coordinates [NR 37080 76900] are included.

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This entry was last updated: 2024-08-07 13:09:47

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