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CV2-E2  Covesea [Overview]  CV4  CV2-E1  CV2  CV1  Lindsay's Cave  CV5  DM-E3  DM-E2  Fern Cave  Double Mouthed Cave [W entrance]  DMW  Corner Cave [NE entrance] 

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Covesea/ Covesea Village, Moray, (Elginshire).

NGR:NJ 18659 70958
WGS84:57.72100, -3.36719
Length:64 m
Vert. Range:6.6 m
Altitude:11 m
Geology:Hopeman Sandstone Formation
Tags:Cave, SeaCave

A supratidal rift cave, reached by a step up off the beach, facing NE by E. It initially appears to be a high ceilinged rock shelter, but there is a small entrance to the inner tunnel which goes down to 1.4 m headroom and then opens out to 4-5 m high and variable width. At 46 m from the inner tunnel entrance, the tunnel goes down to 1.2 m headroom and from there gets lower and lower to a final, non accessible end 12 m further on. There are many names, initials, some with dates, mostly near the walking end at 46 m, but some further in - evidently inscribed while lying on his or her back. Not dripping, but not dry either.

This is clearly the cave illustrated at top right of p14 of the Christmas 1908 edition of the Northern Scot. The article asserts that it was un-named at that time.

Alternate Names: None recorded.

Notes: Access: either as described in the Northern Scot article, or round the headland at the E end of the beach which leads to the lighthouse, at about half tide or lower.

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This entry was last updated: 2021-10-19 15:07:20

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